Is speaking now

January 30, 2013

Ministry of health should take care my food!

Something was bothering me today.
During desert time, I noticed a disturbing writing on my food's bag.

It turns out, In Israel, the Ministry of Agriculture is
responsible for supervise animal's food and health issues.

What the Woof?!

Isn't that the job of the Ministry of Health? 
Is it acceptable by you to leave your food's health supervision
to the Ministry of Agriculture?

I'll guess... NOT. 

Translation of the marked part:

"A permit number 234 of the Ministry of Agriculture's forage quality department..."

Than why the woof Israel government think my health is more similar
to Tomato's health than humans health?!?!

What's the difference between me and you?
Think about it. Think about changing it.

I know I'll try.


January 29, 2013

The day Ice cream fell from the sky

After a long salami night I decided to go to sleep.
It's was 5 a.m in the morning ( my bed time :)
Suddenly, something strange happen.

My whole household were awake, and very hyperactive.
They kept yelling: finally, after 10 years it's snowing outside.
what the woof is this snow thing? and why is it keeping me awake?!

Well guess what... the answer came sooner than I expected.
It's an ice cream, and it's falling from the sky!

Learning about Ice Cream

While I was sniffing my way to the answer, I notice an ice cream ball,
that was made by my aunt Rachel. I knew that ball is mine.
listen, you can't argue with the fact: dogs & balls are meant for each other!
A fact my aunt chose to ignore. she took my ball, and than she threw it
on my uncle.... what the Woof ?!
I tried to stop the madness! But there's no hope left for my balls.

Where's Rachel?

Rachel played dirty! she distracted me from my balls
by asking me if I wanted to play our game: Seek, hide & catch.
Damn! I couldn't say no to Ollie Ollie salami free ;)
but this time the game was different. I didn't know ice cream
causes to slippery floor... and I learned an important lesson:
Dogs can't fly O_o

Blame the ice cream for the mess

Around 9:00 a.m, my Arse froze.

I, too, deserve it 

Oh man what an awesome morning.
I always felt a lucky shepherd, but this morning I knew it!

well, finally, it's time to bed.
Hmmm... maybe one more Salami and than it's defenatly time to bed ;)


January 7, 2013

I'm sexy and I know it

I'm on a diet :(

I give the credit to my doc!
Usually i like him, he treat me kindly and always give me candies.
But this time was different. he asked me to get on the weight scale.

Apparently 43 kg it's too much for a two year old.
I tried to tell them that I have heavy bones but they kept thinking I wanted a ball O_o

let me tell you something:
I'm good with my heavy bones,
And even if I'm chubby... I'm still a sexy chubby :)

In order To make this diet bearable, i've found Delicious Recipes:

Healthy food for dogs: Homemade recipes

Petsumer Report Pet Food Ratings And Reviews


January 6, 2013

The Room

I'm curious.

There's one room in the house that I'm not allowed to enter.

I noticed that people entering the room several times during the day,
Leaving a familiar scent. Naturally, i entered.

And there it was: the biggest drinking bowl I ever saw :)

But there's something strange about this bowl.

Every time i drink from this bowl i get punished.
what the hell?!

Help me understand :(

what am i woofing wrong?


The Hypothyroidism Solution


January 5, 2013

Fatal Error

It was a cold afternoon, I just finished eating lunch and a few salami.
The sun began to fade and so did the sound of children playing outside.
I started to feel sleepy, so I decided to take a nap (first mistake)
close to my father and uncle (second mistake).

Wrong place, Wrong time

And then it happened

I think it happened during my 4th salami dream.
Loud noise and a terrible gas smell woke me up.
I panicked greatly.
But the sound of war was actually the sound of a FART!
Directed straight to my face, with no mercy. as if I’m not there.
what the hell?!
I'll be better off without the sense of smell/hearing.
I started to choke, badly……..
and what seems to be a sleeping dog were actually a fainting dog!

Caught between worlds

I’m trying to find out who’s responsible for the attack, both sides deny.


You’ve made a fatal error.
It’s pay back time. both of you.
to be continued


I Woof not take a bath

I love my family!
They treat me with respect, they treat me equally.
My pack, my source to unlimited food and love.
I even got a big mattress to survive the winter :)

Sunbathing Time
But, there’s one thing that’s bugging me:
they keep telling me that I need a bath which I truly madly deeply hate,
with the excuse that i stink like bad fish.
So, I found an interesting article that encouraging people to
wash their dogs once a week/month as long as they’re using
gentle pet shampoo and conditioner.
I’ve got to admit that article is logical, if the subject of this matter is my dad...
I'm a different case, and I have several claims why I don’t belong in a shower: 

1. I’m too big to sleep on their bed
Some people claim that I’m too big for german shepherd,
My weight is 45k”g in another word: 45 reasons not to climb on a bed.

2. No one is allergic to me or my fur
If anyone allergic they can file a complain to my father.
Untill than, don’t be such a baby it’s just a little sneeze :)

3. I’m using mud minerals as lotion

4. I’m too lazy and too hungry to be active

In the name of  the sence of smell of all dogs let’s get the facts straight:
You’re STINK! Trust me, I can smell your feet from miles away…
But, I’m willing to compromise and use dry shampoo and take a bath once a month.

I would like to know how often do you wash your dog?


January 4, 2013

Can't sleep

I can’t fall asleep :(
I blame my aunt (Rachel) and my uncle (etay), the night dwellers.
at first it was hard to get used to their noises, but it was worth it.
you see as long as they awake the fridge is “awake” :)
So, i tried to woke them up, lick their faces, jump on their faces,
I even managed to insert my nose under the blanket in order to tickle them.
they woke up and they didn’t look like they are about to give me salami…
oh salami, my buddy.
Apparently I’m going to hunt solo,

I'm on my way


No salami


The Dog Training System